A couple recently lo t ₦280,000,000 million to a fake developer who worked hand-in-hand with a ecurity guard to ell a hou e in Igbo-Efon Lekki Lago that wa n’t hi
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When you think of a ecurity guard, you imagine omeone...
In 2012 i wrote about urvey plan cam and it went viral 8 year later in 2020, the need to re-write about the e kind of cam are ju t a important a it wa then for people to be aware of the danger of being in po e ion of a very fraudulent...
Don’t be confu ed Rectification and Ratification mean 2 eparate thing but they ound alike Rectification mean to correct a grave error on a document while Ratification mean giving formal con ent to a contract or agreement thereby making it...
What to a k your elf
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What if you are already a victim of Omonile and you have already being been defrauded off the land you aved Million of Naira to purcha e or you ju t di covered that your land ha been old to 2 or more people, or...