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Omonile Lawyer > testing
How a Fake Developer and Security Guard Scammed a Couple of ₦280 Million in Lekki

How a Fake Developer and Security Guard duped a Couple ₦280 Million in Lekki to buy a Fake House

A couple recently lo t ₦280,000,000 million to a fake developer who worked hand-in-hand with a ecurity guard to ell a hou e in Igbo-Efon Lekki Lago that wa n’t hi &nb p; When you think of a ecurity guard, you imagine omeone...
By Omonile Lawyer

9 Extremely Dangerous Land Survey Plan Scams by Fraudulent Land Surveyors You Must be Aware of

In 2012 i wrote about urvey plan cam and it went viral 8 year later in 2020, the need to re-write about the e kind of cam are ju t a important a it wa then for people to be aware of the danger of being in po e ion of a very fraudulent...
By OmonileLawyer

Know the Difference between RECTIFICATION and RATIFICATION of Title to Land

Don’t be confu ed Rectification and Ratification mean 2 eparate thing but they ound alike Rectification mean to correct a grave error on a document while Ratification mean giving formal con ent to a contract or agreement thereby making it...
By OmonileLawyer

What if Omoniles have actually stolen your Land and have Resold it to another person who has started building? What can you do to prove ownership?

What to a k your elf &nb p; What if you are already a victim of Omonile and you have already being been defrauded off the land you aved Million of Naira to purcha e or you ju t di covered that your land ha been old to 2 or more people, or...
By Omonile Lawyer