Almost every day, it seems I am sorting out one Omonile Land purchase problem gone badly. From investigating the true Owner(s) of the alleged land down to verifying the authenticity of the documents presented by the seller, taking matters into your own hands can sometimes result in disasters financially or you the seller getting duped because you are too ignorant on how to spot Red Flags that should make you abandon that transaction.
To this end I have listed my 5 tips on 5 Costly Land Purchase Mistakes You are making that would lead to you getting Defrauded.
Once the Seller of a Land begins to sing into your ears that the moment you purchase the land, you must start fencing it immediately, know that you’re probably about to buy a stolen land that belongs to someone else.
Why would he be so frightened to sell a land that he claims belongs to him and still push you to fence it immediately so that other land speculators or Omoniles would not encroach on it?
The main thing about this new E-C of O is that it is no longer a huge and bogus Yellow Document that looks like this:
It now comes in the form of a simple deed of assignment or contract that is binded so as to make it very easy to carry around and more aesthestically pleasing. This new E-C of O comes with the following features:This kind of Land Scam can be traced to some of the Projects that past Lagos State Governors have set aside to be executed in future. For example proposed bridges, schools, government housing schemes, museums, pottery villages, cemeteries or buildings of national or state importance and have allocated hectares of land for this huge projects from these communities.At times the government uses its power to take these lands off these communities based on certain reasons best known to them but in almost all these situations they compensate the community they took these lands from and warn them to stay clear off these lands. Well we all know the way things work in Nigeria. The government might acquire these hectares of Land but information about the location of the land might be very sketchy and they might not even fence it. But being a Government land it has been recorded in their system and whenever a new administration decides it’s time to look into that project as a priority they will go and acquire their lands but one thing the Government always does, is to put various sign boards around warning people that the land has been acquired by the government and trespassers should beware of the land. But this is what these Land Scammers would do next:
1. They will monitor for months the frequency of government officials that come around to view the lands if they are still secure and wait till the visits become less regular. 2. They will now send their boys to go and remove the signboards at night one by one so that you won’t know where the government land starts or ends. 3. They begin to parade and patrol these areas as owners of the land and claim it belongs to their community.