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MORE MAIL: I am Interested in Buying a Land but i have been told that the Owner of the Land isnt Around and is based Abroad. Do i still Proceed with the Transaction without meeting him?


  To be honest this is a very tricky question but from my experience I would say NO. Because we live in a society where land fraud is very prevalent. It’s even more difficult to proceed with a land investigation when the Owner isn’t available talk less of paying money to someone you cannot ascertain.  

Follow these steps...

But if you are still determined to still go ahead with the transaction make sure you follow these tips so you won’t be defrauded:   A. Continue to pester the agent or the seller why can't he come over to conclude a transaction? If he is receiving close to N2Million or more and his plane ticket isn’t more than N250,000, why can’t he come down to Nigeria for a day or 2 to identify himself and pick up his check?

4 Types of Deadly Land Taxes that Could Bankrupt you if your not Aware of them before you buy land

Do you know there are so many hidden Charges and taxes that you must pay when buying  a land that could bankrupt you easily if your not careful?   These taxes hide in plain sight and it is until you want to perfect your papers it will rear its ugly head. I have compiled a list of  4 Problematic fees that your not aware of and the earlier you start taking cognizance of it, the better:    

4 Problematic fees that your not aware of

  1. Everybody wants to buy a land with a C of O but do you know that every owner of a C of O must pay a yearly fee per annum to the government for occupying that land. This fee is know as a GROUND RENT and it has a certain fee that holder must pay.   For every year the person defaults in paying that GROUND RENT, the person incurs a penalty. But because of our very lax tax system, the holders of that C of O rarely pay that amount and in most situation, they are totally ignorant of the fees they are to pay.   The problem now arises when a new buyer is interested in buying that Land with a C of O. If you don't do a comprehensive check on that C of O, you will never know that your about to INHERIT SOMEONE ELSE'S DEBTS at once.   The Land registry Tax department will compute the Ground rent from inception that the C of O was obtained, compute the penalties , value it at today's inflationary rates and give it to you before you can process your Governors Consent.   That is why the cost of Governor's consent is so high in some people's case because they don't know that they are carrying the load and problems of other people's taxes as their own burden.

Governor’s Consent finally explained in a Simple manner and Why you must register a Governor’s consent

So many Academicians, Lawyers and Intellectuals have tried to define what a Governor’s Consent is and they end up confusing simple minded men like me with their Big Big Grammar, so am going to attempt to do the impossible by breaking its meaning down and how it operates under the law.   A simple formula to follow is this. The first person on a Virgin Land that has neither been occupied by another person nor under acquisition by the Government is entitled to get a Certificate of Occupancy on that land.   If that person with the C of O decides to sell his land to another person after so many years, that person must now obtain the Consent of the Governor before that transaction can be deemed legal in the eyes of the Government. If the new buyer now decides to sell the land again to a third owner in future, that Third owner must also obtain a new Consent of the Governor before that transaction can be deemed legal in the eyes of the Government and the process continues every time the property changes hands to a new buyer.   In other words, the first person on a land is the only person or group of persons entitled to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy. Every subsequent buyer of that land must get a Governor’s consent. There can only be one (1) Owner of the Certificate of Occupancy on that Land and it will not be replicated for another person once the land has been sold or transferred to another person.   The powers of the Governor to Consent to such transactions can be found in Section 22. Of the LAND USE ACT 1978 as amended which states thus:  “It shall not be lawful for the holder of a statutory right of occupancy granted by the  Governor to alienate his right of occupancy or any part thereof by assignment, mortgage, transfer of possession, sublease or otherwise howsoever without the consent of the Governor first had and obtained”   With this power, the Governor has the right to grant consent to any transaction which it thinks has not contravened any Law of the land and if the consent has been obtained fraudulently, the Governor is entitled to revoke such consent immediately.   It is very important for a purchaser of land to perfect his or her document by obtaining a Governors consent so as to have a complete rest of mind. Although its good to buy a land that already has a Global C of O or the Land has a Gazette, it still doesn’t give you the full satisfaction that you own the land without any form of fear or intrusion by the Omoniles. Your documents have not been perfected and the consent of the Governor to that transaction has not been obtained.   It’s because of this situation whereby the Omoniles know that purchasers of land do not want to spend money to get their Governors Consent that they will begin to resell people’s lands to multiple buyers because they know it’s only the purchaser that perfects his title by obtaining the Governors consent that can lay claim to that land validly in the eyes of the law.   That’s why I encourage people who buy lands to immediately start the process of obtaining Governors consent after they have bought a land and a Deed of Assignment has been drawn up. Delay has been shown to be very fatal and we should learn from the past experiences of others who have fallen victim to this situation.    

Disadvantages and Problems of Getting a Governors Consent

Obtaining a Governors Consent from the Land Bureau isn’t the easiest thing to get quickly despite the importance attached to it and urgency needed to secure a land from Omoniles.   On the Government website, it is stated that a Governors Consent can be obtained in 30 days but that has proven to be very untrue due to unscrupulous civil servants who would do everything to frustrate the process of obtaining the document without giving them huge kickbacks.   A Governors consent that should cost N200,000 naturally could end up costing N600,000 Due to kickbacks, Egunje, Bribes, P.R etc and that 30 days could translate to 6months or a Year depending on how you sort your P.R well.   All in all, a Governors Consent is a very good document to obtain and I advise you to get it so as to free yourself from Omoniles 100%. An advantage of having a Governor’s consent is that you can transfer your land to another person without going to the Omoniles or Family Baale to sign your deed and Form 1c which are compulsory requirements needed before you can process a Governors consent.   The Omoniles pray seriously for the Owner not to have a Governors consent so that they can make a lot of money running into their Thousands when ever the Owner require the signatures of the family to start the Governors consent.   It’s even very tough now for Land Buyers because a major requirement by the government now is that you must Obtain a Governors consent before you obtain a building plan approval. If it takes 6months to a year before they get their Consent. When will the person now get his approval?   Stepping aside the criticism of those in charge of processing the C of O, You should try as much as possible to get a Governors Consent for all your genuine lands so as to eliminate Omoniles completely and live a straight forward life devoid of Omonile wahala.    

The Features of Governors Consent must contain the Following

  1. The Form 1c must be signed by the Omonile traditional Family that has either a Gazette or Global C/O or in the case of an Individual that has a private C of O granted to him by the Governor
This Form 1 C is a prelude to registering a Governors Consent. It must be signed in the prescence of a Lawyer so as to guide both you and the seller unless any slightest error on the form will be queried

This Form 1 C is a prelude to registering a Governors Consent. It must be signed in the prescence of a Lawyer so as to guide both you and the seller unless any slightest error on the form will be queried

    2. A Deed of Assignment must be prepared by the Buyers lawyer who must include the parties to the transaction, the cost of the land, size of the land description of the land, the copy of the survey attached to it and signature of all the parties and witnesses to the transaction.

5 Very Expensive and Costly Land Purchase Mistakes in Lagos To Avoid

Almost every day, it seems I am sorting out one Omonile Land purchase problem gone badly. From investigating the true Owner(s) of the alleged land down to verifying the authenticity of the documents presented by the seller, taking matters into your own hands  can sometimes result in disasters financially or you the seller getting duped because you are too ignorant on how to spot Red Flags that should make you abandon that transaction.


To this end I have listed my 5 tips on 5 Costly Land Purchase Mistakes You are making that would lead to you getting Defrauded.




Once the Seller of a Land begins to sing into your ears that the moment you purchase the land, you must start fencing it immediately, know that you’re probably about to buy a stolen land that belongs to someone else.


Why would he be so frightened to sell a land that he claims belongs to him and still push you to fence it immediately so that other land speculators or Omoniles would not encroach on it?

Omonile Lawyer Land Search Report Diary- OKUN ISE VILLAGE IBEJU LEKKI-Beware of this Area! It Belongs to the Government

Welcome to another Omonile Lawyer Land Verification Journal where we take you through all the Ups and Downs involved in carrying out a Detailed Land Search till we come to a final result for the Client.   This week we are beaming our search light on OKUN ISE VILLAGE IBEJU-LEKKI LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAGOS. We Hope it persuades you to appreciate the pains and lengths we go in confirming the validity of a property and why it should give you the confidence to contract us to carry out a proper search before you throw away your hard earned money.    


  A Client who is based in the United Kingdom Contracted Omonile Lawyer to carry out a search on a Land he was interested in Buying that was promoted to him by one of those Real Estate Installment payment Firms on the Internet.   At first we refused to carry out the search because we hardly encourage people to buy lands without viewing it first to see whether it is a land that they are comfortable with and has the necessary amenities that they crave for before they purchase it.   But he was adamant that we should do the search on his behalf because the Real Estate Developers had fueled his interest in the property with their aggressive marketing and promises. He was told that the land was close to the proposed Free trade Zone and he was buying into the future at a reduced cost.   We got in touch with the Sellers and asked them about their title and we were told that they were processing their C of O and it was almost out. We asked them how they procured the land and we were told that they bought it from one of the Families in that community and they have the receipts to prove it.   We asked them about the Layout of the Lands they own but they said their surveyor was working on it but if Our Client Pays he would be given his Plot immediately and the Surveyor would do his survey for him instantly. We told them to take us to the land to take the coordinates but they were reluctant to do so but chose to give us the Survey plan of the Whole area that they intended to sell.   When we charted the Coordinates of the their Survey plan, it showed the Land was free from Acquisition and was a good land that could be purchased. When we now asked them to take us to the specific land that our client wanted to buy, they said they won't take us there till they see money and interest from Our Client before they can show us the land.   We were visibly upset but devised another scheme to make them take us to the land. I quickly organized a Lawyer in my office to pretend as if he was the buyer and issued them a check that was to clear in 3 days but they were to show us the land in exchange for the Check.   They now took us  to one Village called Okun Ise and  pointed to a vast portion of land as the Lands their Company Acquired that they were processing the C of O. We wanted to come down from the car to see the lands properly but they rejected our proposition and said once the Money clears we could inspect it properly.   2 Days later unknown to the Sellers, we secretly traced the Land and our surveyor went round to take coordinates of the area and pictures and below is the search Report obtained from the Land:  
The Land at Okun Ise that was being promoted by the Real Estate Company is a Land that is Presently Under Lekki Acquistion contrary to what the Agents where saying that they were processing the C of O for this Land.

The Land at Okun Ise that was being promoted by the Real Estate Company is a Land that is Presently Under Lekki Acquisition contrary to what the Agents where saying that they were processing the C of O for this Land.

  To make matters worse when we decided to explore further the whole environment and not too far from the place the Agents showed us, we saw the following sign boards hidden in one corner:

Why i would Never Endorse Instalment Payment for An Omonile Owned Land! God Forbid!!!

I always ask myself this question, "What document or title do you get after you pay part payment for a land especially an Omonile owned land that the Omonile has probably sold to 3 or 4 people?"   Before you say you don’t have money and would like to buy an Omonile land in installments because it will suit your finances, think of the following questions I have posed below and if your still convinced that you foresee no problems arising, then I wish you the very best of luck dealing with an Omonile Seller of Land and paying him your Life savings in Installments.    

General Land Instalment Payment  WAEC Questions you Should please Answer for me!

How to Avoid Land Fraud in Lagos and Ogun States

Recently Omonile Lawyer was contracted by a Client to carry out a Land Verification Search at Ogidan within the Sangotedo environs of Ibeju Lekki. The Client was very suspicious of the sugar coated incentives that was emanating from the mouth of the Agent.   The Agent stated that the Land was very close to the Lagos Business school Lekki and the purported Seller was a Lecturer in the School and had his intergrity to protect. He said because of the status of the Seller and choice location of the Land, the Seller was only willing to sell the land for N8Million and not a penny less.   When the Client demanded for the documents the land had, the Agent bluntly refused to give out the details of the documents and stated that it was until the Buyer was ready to pay for the land before the documents would be released. With this in mind, the Client invited us to take over the search before his N8Million developed wings to distant lands unknown.   The moment we got in touch with the Agent via phone, we could sense his hostility and he refused to give our surveyor access into the land to carry an onsite inspection to determine the coordinates of the land.   He just took us to one heavily padlocked fenced land and pointed to it as the land that belonged to the Lecturer. We now demanded for the documents to verify that the land belongs to the seller and he said it had a Governors Consent and he reluctantly gave us only the Consent number which we crossed checked at the Land Registry at Alausa.   But we couldn't tell which land was described in the Governor's consent and the land he was showing us because he didn't give us access to compare the coordinates.

What Everybody Ought to Know About the New Lagos Electronic Certificate of Occupancy ( e-CofO)

For almost 4 years Lagosians have been waiting to catch a glimpse of the New Lagos Electronic Certificate of Occupancy (e- C of O) to replace the old Bulky Yellow one in circulation that could easily be cloned.   I am happy to say omonilelawyer.com has finally obtained a copy of the new E-C of O and we are very excited with what we have seen. Here is an Exclusive first Look of all the New Features and additions to make the new Electronic Certificate of Occupancy more Secure and Fraud proof.  

The main thing about this new E-C of O is that it is no longer a huge and bogus Yellow Document that looks like this:



  It now comes in the form of a simple deed of assignment or contract that is binded so as to make it very easy to carry around and more aesthestically pleasing. This new E-C of O comes with the following features:

Don’t Buy any Land at Ayobo For Now ooo!!! Lagos State Government is Warning Everybody

A caveat emptor has been placed on land in Ayobo in Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State, according to the Permanent Secretary, Lands Bureau, Mr. Hakeem Muri-Okunola.   Muri-Okunola spoke in his office, urging the public to be wary of individuals, families, traditional rulers and communities who sell government acquired land in the area.   He said the land covering 455.76 hectares in Ayobo was acquired by the state government, by virtue of its Official Gazette No 15 Volume 34 of May 5, 2001, adding that it was named Ayobo Residential Scheme.

The Land For Sale that is Under Government Acquisition Omonile Land Scam

This Scam is very rampant especially in Rural Lagos such as in areas like Alimosho, Epe, Egbe, Ikotun, Ifako, Alakukuo, Iba, Iyana paja, Ikorodu, Igbogbo, Ayobo, Badagry and some areas in Ibeju Lekki etc.  
This kind of Land Scam can be traced to some of the Projects that past Lagos State Governors have set aside to be executed in future. For example proposed bridges, schools, government housing schemes, museums, pottery villages, cemeteries or buildings of national or state importance and have allocated hectares of land for this huge projects from these communities.  
At times the government uses its power to take these lands off these communities based on certain reasons best known to them but in almost all these situations they compensate the community they took these lands from and warn them to stay clear off these lands.   Well we all know the way things work in Nigeria. The government might acquire these hectares of Land but information about the location of the land might be very sketchy and they might not even fence it.   But being a Government land it has been recorded in their system and whenever a new administration decides it’s time to look into that project as a priority they will go and acquire their lands but one thing the Government always does, is to put various sign boards around warning people that the land has been acquired by the government and trespassers should beware of the land.   But this is what these Land Scammers would do next:  
1. They will monitor for months the frequency of government officials that come around to view the lands if they are still secure and wait till the visits become less regular.   2. They will now send their boys to go and remove the signboards at night one by one so that you won’t know where the government land starts or ends.   3. They begin to parade and patrol these areas as owners of the land and claim it belongs to their community.