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Blog List with Right Sidebar

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9 Extremely Dangerous Land Survey Plan Scams by Fraudulent Land Surveyors You Must be Aware of

In 2012 i wrote about survey plan scams and it went viral. 8 years later in 2020, the need to re-write about these kinds of scams are just as important as it was then for people to be aware of the dangers of being in possession of a very fraudulent survey plan since many crooked real estate companies are springing up everywhere more especially in Ibeju Lekki. For those who have not seen a survey plan and you want to differentiate between a genuine survey plan from a fake one, please read this article to learn a lot about survey...

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Omonile Lawyer’s 25 Critical Questions To Ask To Avoid Falling For A Real Estate Scam In Lagos

Real estate fraud especially in Lagos deeply hurt and affected over 500,000 victims last year and resulted in over N5 Billion Naira in losses traced to dubious real estate developers, unscrupulous agents, shady land or home sellers and deceitful Omo-onile customary landowners. Personally I have prevented over N300 Million Naira fraudulent land transactions this year alone and the numbers keep on increasing. Along the way, I have met smart buyers who claim to be very savvy in real estate matters but still ended up as victims to these property scammers because they refused to seek professional help from more experienced...

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Think You Are Too Smart To Fall for Real Estate Scams? Read These True Stories.

This is a section that deals with true land and property scam stories perpetrated by Real-life Land Scammers. It gives you the opportunity to read about these dubious property thieves and how far they would go to defraud and scam you if you don't conduct due diligence. Here are some land scam articles you might be interested in and I hope you learn from them and realise there are so many wicked people dreaming day and night on how to swindle you off your life savings once you refuse to examine and investigate them properly. They include Pastors, Grandmothers, 80-year-Old...

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“House For Sale” Buying Mistakes You Must Avoid In Lagos

There are so many lovely properties out there for sale from N10 Million upwards to accommodate every wallet size but just like Omo-onile lands, I am beginning to see a proliferation of fraudulent property developers building dubious houses for sale. This issue has caused so many tears to many first time home buyers who did not conduct a proper property verification before they bought those duplicitous houses.   Personally, I prefer people buying built-up properties (if they can afford it) instead of looking for land properties to buy. The concerns associated with buying a piece of land in Lagos today are too...

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Read how this Man threw away N8Million for refusing to conduct a Background Check on a land

Whenever I try to educate people about the hazards of buying land without conducting a verification, I get a lot of reproaches, accusations and unpleasant comments from people ( Mostly dubious individuals to be honest). Some go as far as saying am a harbinger of bad news or creating mere fictional stories to scare people. With this in mind, I have decided to reluctantly expose the foolishness of one client (Name withheld) for attempting to purchase land without going through due process to verify a land. I will also show you the result of purchasing that property.     The first thing that...

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10 Most Dubious Places To Buy a land in Ibeju Lekki-Shine your eyes o!

In the last 4 years, I have seen so many property buyers suffer the pains of being scammed by Land fraudsters. These land fraudsters have so many tricks up their sleeve to dupe innocent land purchasers ranging from showing the buyer other people’s lands that do not belong to them or presenting forged or fake title documents to deceive and coerce them into buying problematic lands.     With this in mind, Omonile Lawyer presents to you our Top 10 Unsafe Lands to buy. These lands have been carefully selected after a series of pain-staking background checks carried out by the Omonile Lawyer...

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How Babatunde Almost lost N45Million to a Fake Identity C of O Scam

Like a scene in one of these dumb Nollywood movies which we never really expect it to happen in real life, I came across one of the most elaborate hoaxes to defraud a client. Mr Babatunde through his agents was able to locate a property he was desirous of purchasing at Alapere Ketu Lagos.     After inspecting the property the agent now told him that it was a safe property to buy because it had a C of O. Mr Babatunde then decided to contact me to conduct a background check on the property and C of O. My team swung into...

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How Deceitful Sellers Lure Innocent Buyers To Buy Lands With Fake Governor’s Consent

Property buyers especially in Lekki, Elegushi, Agungi, Ajah, the Eti-Osa Environs and parts of Ibeju Lekki should be very wary before buying a property that has a Governor’s Consent because most of these Governor's Consents have been questionably acquired at the land registry.     This is because falsified and forged survey plans have been presented by the Owners to the land registry to register. Due to the lax and porous process of obtaining a Governor’s consent at the land registry, dubious owners have perfected the art of presenting forged survey plans that are outside the original location of the land or outside...

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Lets Talk About This Open Daylight Robbery called Omo-onile Signing Fees

Let me just drop this List here for you to ponder for 1 minute.   Nigerians are their own worst enemy. How can someone struggle to find a good property to buy without wahala, spend so much money to acquire the land from Agency fees to Survey plan fees and when its time to take possession of the land, the community now presents this Stupid " OMO-ONILE FEES" to you? If you choose not to pay it, they would prevent you from working even if you bought the land for N100 Million.   [mkd_list_ordered] To put Foundation on the land N200,000 To collect the...

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Terrible Dangers of Buying a Committed land in Lagos without Verifying it

Buying a Land that is committed is a one-way ticket to getting your property revoked without compensation and if you foolishly construct a structure on it, it would be happily demolished by the Lagos State Government with no remorse.     There are so many wicked Sellers, Agents, Developers, Lawyers and Surveyors who knowingly take advantage of the ignorance of buyers to sell their lands that they know outrightly belongs to the government but due to their innate greed, still, go ahead to market the land for sale. They have no empathy or compassion for the victim and only see the financial gains...

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