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A Land With No Will?

  What happens when you intend to buy a land or property but you later discover that the original Owner of the Property has died without writing a will and has left a host of children, wives, extended relatives or close friends behind that are all interested the property as the new owners? Who then has the capacity to sell that property to you?   Well this is a regular occurrence as regards the issue of the sale of landed properties of a deceased more especially in Lagos and Ogun State and this has led to a lot of lawsuits, pain, false claims of ownership, family battles of the land of the deceased, loss of money etc.   So many buyers have had their fingers burnt buying lands or properties from people who claim to be the authorized representatives of the deceased only to later find out that they have bought that land from the wrong representative.     Examples of how that problematic land that you are about to buy left behind by a deceased who did not give instruction as to who owns the land can affect you and wreck you financially if you don’t watch out for these scenarios include the following:


It has finally happened. I have been warning Nigerians especially the good folks of Ogun State living at home and abroad for years to stop buying bad lands with questionable issues and Government amenities surrounding it and I have been brushed aside as a doomsday sayer now the chicken has come home to roost.   The Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun, has decided to demolish all the Houses in Ogun State built under High Tension Cables and right of way.

Who Else Wants to Know How to Avoid Paying the Dreaded Omonile Signing Fees?

Omonile Signing Fees Again?

  One of the greatest Scourges associated with buying an Omonile land is this dreadful affliction called “OMONILE SIGNING FEES to sign a Deed of Assignment" so as to drain the pockets of buyers. Nothing inflicts a greater pain and evokes more emotions as much as this topic when it comes to buying Land in Lagos or Ogun State.   These Omoniles have devised a method to establish an alternative Land taxation system whereby they do everything possible to grab as much as they want financially from a prospective buyer.   They invent all sorts of stupid, idiotic and devilish fees to scare the buyer and make it mandatory to pay these fees no matter how absurd it sounds. Truth of the matter is that it’s nothing short of a day light robbery to frustrate a buyer for their own selfish means.   These fees they coerce buyers to shell out end up in the pockets of Village Chiefs or influential members of the community to expend for their own selfish gain. They use the money to drink Ogogoro, settle outstanding debts or marry new wives.   The enlightened ones amongst them see this as a get rich quick avenue to buy new clothes, buy flashy cars to pose around town, wear swanky clothes and generally show their mates they have arrived. This stirs up some form of jealousy in the other communities and they quickly set up a committee to draft a higher price list that should cripple the buyer financially who is interested in buying a land in their community.

Why a Survey Plan Search is most Essential Land Check you must carry out before you buy a land

A Survey plan is a document that measures the boundary of a parcel of land to give an accurate measurement and description of that land. The people that handle survey issues are Surveyors and they are regulated by the office of the Surveyor general in Lagos as it relates to survey issues in Lagos.  

A survey plan must contain the following information:

1. The name of the owner of the land surveyed

2. The Address or description of the land surveyed

3. The size of the land surveyed

4. The drawn out portion of the land survey and mapped out on the survey plan document

5. The beacon numbers

6. The surveyor who drew up the survey plan and the date it was drawn up

7. A stamp showing the land is either free from Government acquisition or not.

A Sample copy of a Survey Plan and the features it should have before you carry a search on that land

A Sample copy of a Survey Plan and the features it should have before you carry a search on that land


How To Make Sure Money You Send From Abroad To Buy A Land Doesn’t Get Embezzled by Family members or Friends you trust

For a while now, i have waged a relentless war against fraudulent land sellers called Omoniles especially in those in Lagos and have tried to expose all their deceitful practices to dupe people off their hard earned money.   But today I'm going to change course to raise awareness on another way people are being duped concerning landed issues and this particular  kind of Land Scam is dedicated to our Brothers and Sisters Abroad slaving themselves to send money back home to their family members to help them purchase a land or build houses on their behalf only to finally come back home to see that the money they have sent back home has either being squandered stupidly, spent recklessly and the money has being used to develop THEIR OWN PROPERTY INSTEAD OF YOURS or simply that the Money has vanished into Thin Air.   In most situations where this family embezzlement has occurred, there neither will be no land purchased by the family member that was sent money to help buy the land.   Even if the land was purchased, no due diligence was carried out as per se as to validate the authenticity of the land or the description of the land given to the person abroad is totally different from what has been purchased.   I have heard cries of people coming home to see lands that have being purchased for them located inside the bush that is only fit for Monkeys to occupy. Some complain that their families buy extremely water logged lands that will make them spend so much money to sand fill.   I have also heard of the ones that those kind of lands that the Omoniles will continue to drain the pockets of the person due to silly community fees that they are not conversant about until they give up the land.   My favourite is always hearing stories of lands purchased by a family member that they cannot locate afterwards and the buyer is going about holding a receipt of a land that he cannot verify.

Next Mail: What are the Pros and Cons of Paying for a land through Installments? What’s your advice so i don’t get Defrauded like my Friends doing it who are still complaining?

The Answer to the above question can be deduced from this True Story and please read carefully so that you learn from this issue:  

Short Story...

  A friend of mine from my University days decided to buy a land at Aboru around the Iyana paja side of Lagos and they were selling the land to him for around N1.8Million or so. Now he had N1 Million in cash and was so desperate to get a land.   So he contacted an agent who introduced him to the Seller and the Baale of that area. They told him that he could pay the N1 Million and balance the remaining N800,000 within 3 months.   He was very happy with the arrangement and paid the N1 Million asking price. The following month he brought N350,000 so as to remain a balance N450,000.  To his surprise 2 days after he had paid the N350,000 he began to hear  stories that the baale said the land was sold too cheaply and it ought to have been sold for N2.5Million instead of N1.8Million and that the family members have been complaining seriously about it.   He was in shocked and rushed to beg the baale to honour his agreement and after several quarrels and persuasion the baale finally agreed to settle for N2Million. He brought the other N450,000 to make it N1.8Million and promised to bring the remaining N200,000 soon so that they will give him a receipt for final payment.

MAIL TIME : “I Am Interested in Buying a Land in Lagos, What Steps should be taken to protect myself from falling Victim to Land Fraudsters?”




  Follow these simple steps judiciously:   1a. Visit the land personally after you have signified interest to buy the land from the Agent. Never buy a land without viewing it yourself or through your trusted representatives. It’s your land so you must know what you want to buy.   1b. If your abroad make sure it’s someone you trust that has no vested interest in that land that you should send to look at it for you on your behalf.   Try as much as possible to avoid close family members or friends that would still benefit from the transaction in some way such as someone that you would be sending money through his account continuously or someone that would be supplying blocks or could collude with the sellers to make a profit off you.   1c. Also try to make the agent  take pictures of the place or land before you visit the land so that when your back home you can compare and contrast what you have seen  through pictures and what you have seen personally or via pictures .

The Other People have bought Lands here or The Baale is the Owner of the Land so no Wahala Land Scams

"The Above Picture is an Omonile lying through his teeth trying to deceive us that he is the Baale of that Eleko Community and all the lands there were under his care. He showed us a forged Baale i.d card,Community receipts, royal stamps and a Copy of the Eleko Village  Survey Plan  and Gazette.


He even took us to a small palace and convinced us to pay to him. Upon strenuous investigation, we found out that he was a Vulcanizer and not even from that community! Abeg Shine your eyes ooo"

    How many of you that have either bought lands or intending to buy lands have heard this famous Omonile or Agent soundbite ‘ A LOT OF BIG PEOPLE HAVE BOUGHT LAND HERE’ or ‘ SO MANY BIG GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS HAVE THEIR LANDS HERE’ or ‘ SHELL OR MTN COOPERATIVE HAVE BOUGHT SO MANY HECTARES OF LAND HERE FOR THEIR STAFF etc   Naturally when you hear something like this, you feel very comfortable and you want to buy a land because they tell you that your proposed neighbor is a staff of chevron or probably the special adviser to the commissioner has 3 lands here or has built his house there and has perfected his papers, but there is a problem with this statement!   How come they haven’t shown you any of the so called big men that bought lands there or contacted with you with Etisalat Cooperative head that bought the so called lands for their staffs or shown you the documents that the Government Official that bought lands there has perfected?   ( All na story story to coerce you to pay for the land without due diligence)

Do You Recognize the 8 Early Warning Signs of Buying a Defective and Problematic Land?

I get a lot of emails from prospective buyers asking me how to avoid buying defective lands from Omoniles in Lagos and Ogun States that they are about to pay for and steps to take to avoid being victims of these Land Swindlers.   Unfortunately, there is no clear cut textbook template on how to prevent land fraudsters from duping you because each land transaction has its own peculiar issue that must be studied dutifully with rapt attention to avoid being scammed.   So pay attention to these 8 quick hidden signs that a prospective buyer must pay special interest to before you buy a defective or problematic land in Lagos or Ogun State.      

8 early warning signs of defective lands

  1. Watch out for that Seller who wants to sell you a land but it has no previous original documents to show u to prove how he purchased the land from the Former owner.   Such a Seller will continue to bring up excuses with regards to how he misplaced the documents and how he has nothing else to give you except photocopies of one survey plan that is barely visible.

Beware of Buying Land in this Area! Case Study #1: OKUN AJAH

Okun Ajah used to be one of my favourite areas in Lagos for Investors to buy lands because of its whispering palms and beautiful beach view.   It is surrounded by some upcoming estates, Abraham Adesanya estate and Lekki Scheme 2 as its illustrious neighbours but it has of late become a hot bed of loads of land scams of unbelievable proportions. The Omoniles there are shamelessly re-selling people's lands without any fear or remorse.   If they see that you own a land there and you haven't developed it within 1 month or more, they would immediately auction your land to the highest bidder. The number of law suits in that area is so bewildering these days that its so mind boggling to comprehend.   They forge signatures, collude with the different families to resell people's land and extort exorbitant Signing fees from potential buyers who have no idea that they are buying other people's lands.   To make matters worse, they resell every part of Okun Ajah despite the fact that they are not suppose to sell lands that are 80 meters close to the beach because it falls under the Ministry of Water Infrastructure and Tourism Ministry.   They simply don't care. Most of the lands don't even have a proper lay out and you see the omoniles just pointing to lands that do not belong to them as lands that their families own despite the fact that it has a global C of O.   The worst one is that some of these lands sit on the  proposed coastal road coming all the way from the East to lagos and these land fraudsters knowingly sell these lands to unsuspecting buyers who are not aware of this ticking time bomb.   They collude with dubious Surveyors and Agents to help them sell these bad lands and once you discover the malaise, you can never recover your money from themexcept you take them to court.  
Okun Ajah Omoniles Patroling the area to see which land they can pass off as their on to resell to unsuspecting Buyers

Okun Ajah Omoniles Patroling the area to see which land they can pass off as their on to resell to unsuspecting Buyers