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Why it is very Dangerous to buy a Family Partitioned Land without Knowing All the True Joint Owners

One of the most dangerous lands to buy without investigating  its roots, is a family land owned by many children and also known as a PARTITIONED LAND. In fact 50% of land trespass cases I am aware of, deals directly with partitioned land matters.  
A land that has been willed to 2 or more children means it’s a land jointly owned by all the children and that piece and or parcel of land cannot be transferred or sold to another person without the consent of the other member or members of the family.  
Any land sold that does not involve the signatories and approval of ALL the other member or members of the family,  makes that sale null and void legally. It leads to the purchaser losing both his money and land when the other members of the family  appear out of no where to lay claim to the land.   In fact the ploy here is to make the buyer end up paying more money for the land he/she has bought without the consent of the other members and make him/her extremely frustrated. There are so many scams  and styles involved in deceiving the purchaser but I will just run through the most common land partitioning scams for you to beware of and prevent yourself from being a victim.

The Dos and Don’ts of Sponsoring a Survey in a Virgin Omonile Owned Land and How to become an Instant Millionaire as a Land Speculator

A lot of people have called me over the years to give my opinion on this new trend which is Sponsoring the Survey of Virgin Lands owned by Omoniles and i have reserved my comments so as to study it up close and personal before i deliver my verdict on it and this Finally is my own opinion about it.    


  This is a process whereby Traditional Family owners of Land (Omoniles) who do not have the financial resources to map out their territorial boundaries to carve out their own portion of land given to them by their forefathers or descendants.   They seek out people who have the monetary or financial muscle to assist them in sponsoring the cost of surveying the whole land that the Traditional Families claim to own and in exchange for that Sponsorship, a certain portion of the lands sponsored will be given to that sponsor to do as he or she pleases.   The sponsor plays a big role in promoting the status of community and is very well compensated for all his troubles. It is a very popular way Land buyers own multitude of lands in Lagos and Ogun but it comes with a catch and below are some of  the pros and cons of sponsoring a Survey Plan if you decide to Venture into it in the nearest future.

Lagos State Proposes 21 Years Jail Term for Land Swindlers and to ban Omonile Foundation and Roofing Fees

Hard times await Omoniles in Lagos who intend to defraud people off their lands by selling innocent buyers other people's lands and demanding foundation fees violently. I would attempt to break down the proposed law in a very simplified manner so as to know what this law stipulates and how to use it to your advantage against those bastards selling other people's lands.   The Lagos State House of Assembly,is proposing a 21 years imprisonment for anyone convicted of land grabbing. The bill stipulates that anyone who sells land to another person knowing that such a land belongs to a third party commits an offence and is liable to 21 years imprisonment upon conviction.   1. OMONILE LAWYER'S SIMPLE EXPLANATION HERE IS THAT, IF YOU SELL ANOTHER PERSON'S LAND THAT DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU EITHER KNOWINGLY OR UNKNOWINGLY, YOU ARE GOING TO JAIL FOR 21 YEARS; SO DON'T ATTEMPT TO SELL A LAND THAT DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU PERSONALLY.   In the bill titled Law to Prohibit Forceful Entry and Occupation of Landed Properties, Violent and Fraudulent Conducts in Relation to Landed Properties in Lagos State, the lawmakers also proposed 10 years for any owner of a landed property who uses violence to seek repossession of his property.   The proposed law, which underwent public hearing on Wednesday 22nd of January 2014 stipulates that as from the commencement of the law, a person or group of persons are prohibited from using force to take over any landed property in the state.   “Any person or group of persons who, having used force to take over a landed property in the state…after the commencement of this law, commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a prison term of 21 years,” states Section 2, subsection 1 of the 17-section bill.  
No more room for these Violent Rapscallions to invade other people’s land forcefully to resell them. They risk a 21 year jail term

No more room for these Violent Rapscallions to invade other people’s land forcefully to resell them. They risk a 21 year jail term


5 Things I wish I knew before I stupidly Bought and Lost my First Land

Before i became an Expert in Land Verification, i was also once a Victim of Omonile Land Scams and i made so many mistakes prior to purchasing my first land back then which i eventually lost to Omoniles and could not recover because i was clueless about the intricacies of buying a land and the hidden problems that it accompanies .   Back then i assumed buying a land was like buying a car. All you need to do is locate the car you are interested in, meet the seller, inspect the car, pay the seller and drive away with your car but i was totally wrong. Buying a Land in Lagos or Ogun for a first time buyer is an arduous task that requires prayers, patience, skill and intuition.   Here are some of the mistakes i made which i hope you learn from not to make when your about to purchase yours in future:

Why You should never buy a Land in Surulere, Onike, Aguda, Yaba, Ebutte Metta or Ogudu from Omoniles without Certified Lagos State Documents

There is a popular scam going on in Lagos especially in Surulere, Onike, Aguda, Yaba, Ebutte Metta and in some instances in Ogudu where Agents or Land Speculators will show you empty lands in the midst of fully built up Houses and pass it up as lands being owned by Family members that have the right to sell these lands.   My fellow Omonile Lawyer readers, please be warned, this is not true and there is not a chance in Hell that these Omonile Family members are the real owners of these lands.   First and foremost you should know that these areas belong to what is now referred to as "OLD LAGOS" where most of these colonial masters settled in Lagos and the industrial expansion of Lagos Started from these areas and most of these listed areas mention above from way back have REAL OWNERS who derived proper C of Os or have Old deeds of Assignment and have  perfected their stamp duty fees on it hereby giving the  REAL OWNER a proper legal title to the land which has been recognized and has been duly registered at the Land Registry.

Beware of buying lands at Badore in Ajah without doing a search unless your House will be demolished for being too close to the Proposed 4th Mainland Bridge

 If you intend to buy a property in Addo/ Badore Ajah Estates at Ajah Eti-Osa local Government, please don't waste my time and yours. 85% of those lands / Estates there are under government acquisition and are Committed Areas.  Lagos state government has acquired over 300 Hectares of Land in that place and that’s approximately almost 5000 plots.   Anyone who has bought there or is intending to buy there that falls within that Committed Area is just wasting his/her time living in fear of demolition or whatever the government decides to do in that place. Nobody in those committed Areas will be able to get their C of O  or  Governor’s Consent and anyone telling you otherwise is lying.   I will not entertain searches emanating from those areas anymore and i don't need your search money because its getting frustratingly annoying. I am tired of going to the Survey General's office and hearing the same thing that it is a problematic area. Buyers Beware:   The 300 hectares I am talking of here are lands that are very close to the proposed 4th Mainland Bridge. For crying out loud, do you want to build a house close to a major bridge? Any house obstructing the creation of that bridge will be demolished with no remorse or compensation from the government.  
Ultimately it will lead to a massive demolition of those properties that are located within those 300 hectares of land that are under acquisition and committed and Omoniles will not refund any part of the money they collected that will lead those this impending demolition in future. Be wise and avoid places that are under acquistion or committed by doing a proper land search!

Ultimately it will lead to a massive demolition of those properties that are located within those 300 hectares of land that are under acquisition and committed and Omoniles will not refund any part of the money they collected that will lead those this impending demolition in future. Be wise and avoid places that are under acquisition or committed by doing a proper land search!

  I have heard so much lies and false rumors about the Government relocating the 4th Mainland bridge because of these Estates there. How will they know?

A Classic Example of Why Some Land Buyers Are the Cause of their Own Land Scam Wahalas

As much as i point my fingers and lay the blame solely on Omoniles and Land swindlers as rotten apples that should be done away with so that land scams in Lagos will be a thing of the past, some Land purchasers are just as bad as these Omoniles when they make self inflicted terrible mistakes leading up to the purchase of a very deficient land.   Today i got a phone call from a guy  who had just been scammed and who decided to take the "self service and I- too- know Route" in purchasing a land and begged me to advise him on what next he should do.   He stated that he saw a land advertised on the Internet and decided to call the Agent. The land in question is located in an Estate in Lekki-Ajah and the Agent apparently intimated him about  about the supposedly owner, the description of the land and likely documents plus the cost of the land which was N7Million.   He did not visit the land himself, neither did he inspect the documents nor know who the true owner was but was contented with what the Agent told him. He ended up paying the N7Million into the Agent's account who later claimed he paid the alleged owners the N7Million after which they allotted him the land he was interested in.   He wasn't given any documents as proof of payment or purchase and he also didn't meet the alleged owners but was happy that he had finally purchased a land an estate in Ajah without using a Lawyer or third party and saving Legal Fees.

How Omoniles Scam people to buy lands with a Fake Survey Plan Layout and not give the Buyer possession. Read this true Case to know more



All that  4 plots of land located at IKORODU LOCAL GOVERNMENT being portion of EWU-ELEPE VILLAGE EXCISION



Alhaja Omobola Bankole

Yemi Bankole

Mrs Bisi Kuyoro





Eng. S.O  Oluseye

Oluwa-Lambe Idowu



DATE THE SUIT WAS FILED:                           21st of August 2013





  The Statement of claim allegedly filed by the claimants state that they bought lands independently in 1977 and in 2006 from the above named defendants who issued receipts to them individually for 4 different plots from a Layout Survey plan he showed them but since the moment they paid for the lands, the Defendants have not put them in physical possession of the land and since then have been evading them to give them a concrete reason why they have not given them possession of the lands they paid for.

Learn How to Calculate Your Governor’s Consent Yourself

Latest Rules and Requirements to get  and Calculate Your Governor's Consent yourself. They are extremely Strict on it so be alert and follow every requirement and complete payment unless Big Query.   I just came back from the land registry and it was quite tedious to get all these information but it's worth sharing because the number of people that i saw that their jobs were queried and money lost due to bad or mishandling of the process is quite shocking and pitiful because money is hard to come by.   So be very careful when you want to do yours and make sure you get everything complete before you venture into it. These people at the Land Registry at take their money upfront for everything after the calculation so be very meticulous and aware with the costs and requirements:   So get your Pens, Paper and Calculator and Start Calculating Diligently: ( P:S: These are rough estimates of the likely cost and its just and educative article to give you an idea of what it cost but its in no way reflective of what the true estimate that will emanate from the Land Registry when they give you your final Assessment for your Governor's consent. Please note this)     They include the following:
1. Get 4 copies of the deed of Assignment   2. 4 copies of the survey plan. (The survey plan must be attached to each of the deed of Assignment)

Beware of the-We have a Court Judgment-Omonile Land Scam

In fact I can’t count how many people have fallen for this type of Land Scam in Lagos. The general rule is that if there is a dispute on a land, the best way to solve a problem is by going to court. The court now gives a judgment on the land and depending on the dispute at hand, the case might go to the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court and it might take years before judgement is given in their favor.   Now Swindling Omoniles have also devised a method of duping unsuspecting buyers of land by brandishing Court judgments in their favour to show that they own title to land and with that judgment they can sell the land without any fear or favour.   Purchasers glance through the judgment and they see the heading ‘IN THE HIGH COURT OF LAGOS STATE LAGOS DIVISION’ etc and see court stamps and signature of a judge plus the date of the judgment and conclude instantly that the land is a good land and they buy it based on that judgment they have seen.   A few months later they see another court process circulating around that the land is under dispute at the Appeal court and Mr X Y Z is the true owner of the land based on the Appeal court decision. The Buyer runs mad, begins to run here and there to clarify what this new judgment means .   While the Omoniles of the land would have either disappeared into thin air or start speaking gibberish to convince you that they will take the case to court or settle out of court but your money is gone and you’re wondering what the hell has just happened.